Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves the insertion of small needles into the body to improve the flow of chi (energy) throughout the body. When chi is deficient or not flowing smoothly, pain or illness manifest.
During an acupuncture treatment, stagnant chi is unblocked to resolve or alleviate pain and illness.
People with low energy may have stagnant chi or a type of chi deficiency.
An Acupuncture treatment with Moxa, an herb, can improve the flow of chi and add more chi to your body to improve energy, body function and wellbeing.
Will it hurt?
The needles used for an acupuncture treatment are so fine that there is minimal pain, if any, when they are inserted. Most people report feeling very relaxed during their treatment.
Is it Safe?
When practiced by a licensed professional, acupuncture is a very safe form of medicine. It is a non-pharmaceutical form of treatment so there are no concerns about drug interactions or side effects. If you have a pacemaker or if you bleed or bruise easily, acupuncture may not be the best form of treatment for you.
What to Expect
During the first visit, a detailed history will be taken. Something that might be new to you is called tongue and pulse diagnosis. The Physician will look at your tongue and feel your pulses on both arms. The tongue and pulse provide important information to your Chinese diagnosis. This diagnosis will determine where the needles are placed for your treatment. Your first visit will probably be about an hour and thirty minutes should be allowedfor subsequent visits.
How many treatments do I need?
The number of treatments needed to alleviate or cure your condition depends upon the length and severity of the illness. Acute conditions typically take very few treatments where as chronic diseases can take longer. This is an excellent question to ask the Physician during your first visit.
Call us today at (480) 735-9090 to inquire about our Acupuncture treatments or contact us.
During an acupuncture treatment, stagnant chi is unblocked to resolve or alleviate pain and illness.
People with low energy may have stagnant chi or a type of chi deficiency.
An Acupuncture treatment with Moxa, an herb, can improve the flow of chi and add more chi to your body to improve energy, body function and wellbeing.
Will it hurt?
The needles used for an acupuncture treatment are so fine that there is minimal pain, if any, when they are inserted. Most people report feeling very relaxed during their treatment.
Is it Safe?
When practiced by a licensed professional, acupuncture is a very safe form of medicine. It is a non-pharmaceutical form of treatment so there are no concerns about drug interactions or side effects. If you have a pacemaker or if you bleed or bruise easily, acupuncture may not be the best form of treatment for you.
What to Expect
During the first visit, a detailed history will be taken. Something that might be new to you is called tongue and pulse diagnosis. The Physician will look at your tongue and feel your pulses on both arms. The tongue and pulse provide important information to your Chinese diagnosis. This diagnosis will determine where the needles are placed for your treatment. Your first visit will probably be about an hour and thirty minutes should be allowedfor subsequent visits.
How many treatments do I need?
The number of treatments needed to alleviate or cure your condition depends upon the length and severity of the illness. Acute conditions typically take very few treatments where as chronic diseases can take longer. This is an excellent question to ask the Physician during your first visit.
Call us today at (480) 735-9090 to inquire about our Acupuncture treatments or contact us.